Discover & Collect Unique NFTs, Created By 7R7

What is “Blockchain Magic Money“?

Blockchain Magic Money are Magical Non-Fungible Tokenized Collectibles that are 1000 pixel x 1000 pixel generated art images.

We are Magical unique NFT’s with unique ID’s in limited quantities.
We share Genes (graphic and design). But, our Chromosome (unique Numbers) is different.
That means we are not identical. Even though we are 10,000 brothers and sisters.
Still we don’t have identical genotypes (unique Numbers).
We are in Square shape and Non-fungible tokenized collectibles that stored on digital ledger.

in this collection, Roman Numerals 1 to 10 is used with sets of 14 unique ID’s on each NFT.
1 = I, 2 = II, 3 = III, 4 = IV, 5 = V. 6 = VI, 7 = VII, 8 = VIII, 9 = IX, 10 = X
limited editions will be revealed on our website soon.

Each line of Id’s is 128-bit.The probability to find a duplicate within 103 trillion Id’s is one in a billion.
The bits that comprise are generated randomly and with no inherent logic.
Because of this, there is no way to identify information about the source by looking at the ID.
With the sheer number of possible combinations of 14 x (2^128) for 10000 NFTs, it is impossible to be duplicated.

Population is 10,000 including limited editions.
Population shared between 1-10 ( I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, I X, X).